6 TikTok Myths, Debunked in 2022

Many marketers have flirted with the idea of trying TikTok, but certain misconceptions have stood in the way.

For instance, isn’t it just a platform for teens? Specifically, teens who lip-sync?

To help curb the confusion, we’ve rounded up a list of common TikTok myths to help you decide whether it deserves a spot on your marking roster. Let’s dive in.

Myth 1: TikTok’s audience is too young.

Brands mistakenly assume that TikTok is just for teens and young adults. Although it initially exploded in popularity with the Gen Z crowd, TikTok is quickly “growing up.” In fact, 36% of TikTok users in 2021 were between 35 and 54 years old, a 10% increase from the year before.

On top of that, 50% of Millennials report visiting TikTok in the last three months, along with 38% of Gen X-ers, according to HubSpot’s 2022 Consumers Trends Report. We predict these numbers will continue to rise as TikTok cements itself as a mainstream social platform.

Myth 2: TikTok is just for lip-synching and dancing.

While these types of videos certainly exist on TikTok, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. As its audience has grown more diverse, so too has its content.

Nowadays, you can find videos that hit almost any niche. For example, some of the most popular TikTok categories include cooking recipes, beauty tutorials, fitness routines, life hacks, and even pet videos. This also means TikTok can work for a variety of brands across different industries.

For example, Ryanair, a European airline, is a fan favorite on TikTok with almost two million TikTok followers. DuoLingo, a language learning app, is another favorite with over four million followers. Then there’s Red Bull, a popular energy drink, with almost 7 million followers. These are wildly different brands, from different industries, that have built a healthy audience on TikTok.

Curious which brands are winning on TikTok? Check out this helpful guide to get inspired.

Myth 3: If your brand is “serious,” TikTok isn’t for you.

TikTok has a reputation for being quirky — but if your brand is on the serious side, don’t let this scare you away. Instead, try approaching your brand from a different angle.

For example, take a look at Planet Money, an NPR-backed podcast that covers complex topics about the economy. Not the most entertaining topic in the world, right? Yet, it’s raked up almost 750,000 followers.

From gentrification to mortgages, no topic is too serious for Planet Money to tackle with a humorous spin. Need convincing? Take a look at the following video that asks, “Is free shipping really free?”

If you feel your brand is too “serious” for TikTok, take a note from Planet Money and approach your brand — and the content you create — from a different lens. At the end of the day, it’s about sharing value and delivering it in an engaging way — and that’s a goal almost any brand can attain.

Myth 4: You need a lot of followers to go viral.

On TikTok, anyone can go viral. Even accounts with a handful of followers can spark millions of views on a great video.

Its viral nature is a direct result of its algorithm. How does it work? The algorithm pinpoints users that may enjoy your content based on their previous watch history, hashtag searches, and current location. Then, it will push your video to their feed. If enough people engage with it, the algorithm will share it to even more people. Next thing you know, you have a viral hit.

Here’s an example: suppose you post a video of yourself hiking a mountain. The algorithm shows your video to users who live nearby, as well as those who recently searched for hiking trails on the platform. It notices a lot of people “liking” and commenting on the video, so it shares it to more users.

Long story short, if you’re worried you won’t get any traction on TikTok, it’s helpful to remember that the algorithm is on your side, enabling you to reach more people outside of your immediate followers.

Myth 5: Because TikTok videos are shorter, users are less engaged.

TikTok is known for its short, bite-sized content. However, this creates an illusion that users don’t spend much time on the platform.

Fortunately, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, TikTok has an average user session of 10.85 minutes, far exceeding any other social media platform. On top of that, users in the U.S. open the TikTok app 8 times a day on average.

Myth 6: TikTok is a fad.

Will TikTok meet the same fate as Myspace and Tumblr? While it’s too early to call, I’d argue that it doesn’t really matter.

For one, short-form video is dominating the social media landscape. If TikTok meets its demise, consumers will still crave this content. The audience may jump to a new platform, or migrate to an existing one. Either way, you still need to know how to create engaging, snackable content — and TikTok is the leading platform to hone this skill.

Second, if you build your brand correctly, no rise or fall of a single platform will topple it. If you build a strong community around your brand, it will become unshakeable. But in order to do this, you need to go where your audience is — and, for right now, that might be TikTok.

Back To You

Let’s end with one final myth: it’s too late to join TikTok.

This is untrue, especially if your audience is active there. Further, its high engagement rates, stellar growth potential, and powerful algorithm can take your digital marketing to the next level. That said, time is of the essence. Brands that establish a presence on TikTok now can stay ahead of the curve.

LinkedIn Launches Live Audio Events: How They’ll Differ from Clubhouse & Twitter Spaces

Twitter has Spaces. Facebook has Live Audio Rooms. Clubhouse has…Clubhouse. Now, LinkedIn is grabbing a seat at the table with its own audio feature.

Let’s talk about what LinkedIn Audio Events is, how it works, and what it could mean for marketers.

LinkedIn first launched a beta version of Live Audio Events in January. Then, in June, expanded it to users with the “creator mode” on. Today, all users have access to it and the platform plans to eventually follow up with a video version.

Image Source

Here are a few key facts:

Events must be at least 15 minutes long and can last for up to three hours.
You must have 150 followers and/or connections to host an Audio Event and have a history of following LinkedIn’s community policies. However, any user can attend live audio events.
Audio Events are not yet available to users in mainland China.

How to Launch Live Audio Events on LinkedIn

1. Head to the “Post” tab located on the navigation bar.

2. Tap on “Create an Event.”

3. Tap “Event Format.”

4. Select “LinkedIn Audio Event,” add the remaining details of the event, such as date and time, then click “Done.”

5. Share the event details with your audience.

How LinkedIn Live Audio Differs from Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse

For now, LinkedIn’s Live Audio Events are pretty similar to Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse. There’s not much differentiating them currently, but according to reports, it won’t stay that way for long.

According to a TechCrunch article, LinkedIn has been working on a paid ticketing feature for its interactive events since September. This could give LinkedIn an edge over other platforms, by allowing brands to create paid, exclusive events for their most engaged audiences.

Clubhouse has stated it’s exploring monetization opportunities for its creators. But, no concrete features have been announced.

From a brand perspective, LinkedIn is one of the better audio platforms to leverage, as it has valuable user data, such as job titles, ages, industry interests, and more. Conversely, users on Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces can remain anonymous, known only by their usernames.

For now, these social media platforms are all on even ground when it comes to audio capabilities. But that could change soon.

How Marketers Can Leverage LinkedIn Live Audio Events

When social media platforms compete with each other, it’s usually a win for brands. Why? As these platforms add new features to keep users engaged, brands have the ability to leverage new strategies without having to start from scratch on a new platform.

For example, when Clubhouse gained traction, a lot of brands opened an account and spent months trying to figure out the platform, its audience, and its features. However, when an established platform like Twitter or Instagram adds a new feature, adoption is much easier and usually happens much faster.

With this in mind, brands that are currently finding success on LinkedIn can use live audio events as an extension of their current strategy. With this new feature, they can:

Discover what topics are most interesting to their audiences.
Reach new users.
Gain real-time insights based on conversations.
Build a strong community.

Although LinkedIn’s live audio events feature is new, there is a lot of room to play with – even at this early stage.

The Top Challenges Marketing Leaders Expect to Face in 2023 & How You Can Solve For Them [Expert Insights & Data]

Every marketer faces different challenges.

Maybe you’re struggling to keep up with the latest trends. Or perhaps your team is finding it difficult to pivot your marketing strategy due to major global events.

Today, marketing is so fast-paced that it can be difficult to identify which areas you’ll want to focus on to facilitate stronger growth in 2023 and beyond. Which is why we asked 500+ marketing executives to predict the top challenges they expect to face in 2023 — so you can plan your strategies accordingly.

Below, let’s explore the global issues marketing leaders believe they’ll struggle with in 2023, according to new HubSpot Blog data from 500+ marketing executives. Additionally, hear tips on how to combat these challenges from experts at Microsoft, ZoomInfo, and Sprout Social.

Coming Soon: Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader [Click Here to Add to Google Calendar]

1. Adopting a data-driven marketing strategy.

Why It’s a Challenge

14% of marketing leaders say adopting a data-driven marketing strategy will be a top challenge of theirs in 2023. And ZoomInfo’s Chief Marketing Officer, Bryan Law, sympathizes.

Law told me, “We’re all feeling the pressures of a possible recession and almost every company will face challenges with revenue growth and marketing spend in 2023. With potentially fewer dollars to put towards campaigns, adopting a data-driven marketing strategy will ensure that every effort is as impactful as possible.”

To adopt a data-driven marketing strategy, there are two big levers you’ll want to pull in 2023. Let’s take a look at those now.

What Can You Do?

Effectively Combine First and Third-Party Data

Microsoft’s Global Head of Programmatic Evangelist, Daniel Godoy, told me that it’s critical marketers keep first-party data in-mind if they’re aiming to expand their reach in 2023.

Godoy says, “Marketers feel the pressure to win the ads race in a wild WWW. During this race, it’s worth mentioning that consumer media behavior is changing, and advertising strategies, too. With the cookies deprecation coming (although it has been delayed by Google), it should be on our radar that at least 40% of browsers today don’t get signals.”

He adds, “Shaping your strategy by leveraging 1P or 3P trustable data becomes necessary to expand potential reach and start piloting your data strategy for the future.”

First-party data can ultimately help you ensure you’re reaching the right audiences with your ads and turning those audiences into high-quailty leads.

Develop Unique Messaging that Resonates with Your Prospects

To run a successful data-backed campaign, Law suggests first defining your audience. He told me marketing leaders need to take the time to collect custom attributes, not just basic descriptive information. Then, he advises leaders to create dynamic prospect lists through audience segmentation.

Once you’ve defined your audiences and properly segmented them, you’ll need to develop unique messaging that resonates with your prospects.

As Law puts it, “You’ll need to figure out how to convey your ability to alleviate their challenges in a unique way to penetrate the significant market noise. Practice consistency in your overall theme, and include contextual personalization when applicable.”

You’ll also want to use data to reach the right buyers at the right companies. For instance, Law told me it’s helpful to use technology to identify and engage at the contact or persona level, and automate workflows that allow you to reach people across channels. Finally, you’ll need to test, measure, and iterate.

Law advises, “Before you launch your campaigns, set up metrics to help understand their performance. Use the data to confirm that your messaging is reaching the right people at the right time through the right channels. Data should drive this process and its iterations — and it should fuel your entire marketing strategy if you want to see success in 2023.”

(P.S. — Are you already a ZoomInfo customer? If so, click here for 20% off HubSpot products, or sign up for free.)

Ultimately, preparing a powerful data-driven marketing strategy in 2023 will be essential for outperforming competitors — especially since data can help your team remain flexible and adaptive as trends or consumer preferences shift over time.

2. Keeping up with the latest trends.

Why It’s a Challenge

Staying up-to-date on marketing trends wasn’t just a challenge in 2022. 14% of marketers believe keeping up with the latest marketing trends will continue to be their biggest hurdle in 2023.

This makes sense. From branded audio content to augmented reality (AR) experiences, there’s plenty of trends we saw spike in 2022. As a marketer, it can be difficult to decipher which trends matter most to your business — and which ones you can avoid.

What Can You Do?

Reviewing up-to-date marketing reports like HubSpot’s 2022 State of Marketing Trends can help you stay informed on which marketing trends matter most to consumers. You can also subscribe to marketing podcasts or newsletters to learn more about what’s happening in the industry.

Alternatively, consider asking your consumers what trends matter to them. For instance, perhaps you create a social poll to ask consumers about their favorite TikTok reels — this information can help you better understand the topics that currently matter most to your audience.

Once you have a list of interesting marketing trends, you can try implementing them on a small scale to see how they perform for your business. Testing is critical here. You can read about the effectiveness of short-form video content all day long — but until you try it for your own brand, you can’t know for sure whether it actually matters to your audience.

3. Facing increased competition from other brands.

Why It’s a Challenge

Competition isn’t a new concept for businesses, but it’s a major concern for many marketers when they look ahead. As social media and the SERPs become increasingly saturated with branded content, many marketers struggle to create content that stands out.

In our HubSpot Blog survey, 13% of marketing leaders report increased competition from other brands as their biggest concern for 2023.

What Can You Do?

To combat this challenge, marketing leaders will want to conduct a competitive market analysis, which can help you implement stronger business strategies and identify potential opportunities to out-perform your competition.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to ask your team to flag any interesting tactics other businesses are leveraging. Your social team, for instance, can assess competitors’ social channels to identify any gaps in their current strategy. Alternatively, your blog team might highlight their personal favorite blogs, and share takeaways they can apply to their own content.

Hosting regular team brainstorms around new, innovative ideas can help you ensure your business is ahead-of-the-curve.

However, you don’t want to just follow along with your competitors’ strategies. It’s a good idea to test out new platforms to see what resonates with your intended audience, even if your competitors aren’t using those social channels.

4. Leveraging my CRM to its fullest potential.

Why It’s a Challenge

12% of marketers believe their biggest challenge in 2023 will be leveraging their CRM to its fullest potential.

A CRM can be an incredibly powerful and effective tool for marketing, sales, and service — but it can be intimidating and time-consuming if you don’t know how to use yours.

What Can You Do?

To make the most out of your CRM, take a look at our ultimate guide to using a CRM. You’ll also want to consider purchasing a CRM that enables you to integrate all your other tools in one place.

Additionally, HubSpot’s Product Manager Alexa Starks told me, “To leverage your CRM to its full potential, you’ll want to expand usage with a flagship use case. In other words — figure out a gap or pain point with your current process that is solved by an underutilized feature of the CRM. Then, evangelize how your CRM will address that problem and create more connectedness within the organization.”

Starks adds, “Rinse and repeat to show how implementing additional CRM tools can make the teams lives easier. Over time, this will increase adoption and eventually lead to a compounding effect, as a more connected process increases the ROI of your CRM purchase.”

If you’re instead struggling with how to structure your CRM, or which data is most critical, Starks suggests you get head of your data by figuring out the core questions you have of your data.

She says, “Imagine you have the answers to those questions. Now, think through what next-level questions you might have after you receive those initial answers. Taking time to map this out can help align the team around the ways your process may need to shift to ensure the necessary data is available and structured properly in the future.”

5. Having to pivot my marketing strategy due to major events (e.g. recession, pandemic, political turmoil).

Why It’s a Challenge

The past couple years have required businesses to demonstrate new levels of flexibility and adaptability.

The pandemic, for instance, greatly impacted users’ expectations and preferences when it comes to social media. Now, users’ spend more time watching videos online than they did pre-pandemic, and they crave more fun and authentic content than they used to.

Similarly, political turmoil and recent changes in the economy have required businesses to adjust their marketing strategies accordingly to ensure they’re continuing to meet the needs of their customers.

While it can feel risky to invest in new strategies or pivot as a response to major events, it’s oftentimes worse to stick to the status quo. As the world changes, your consumers’ behaviors and needs change in response, so it’s vital you keep up with global trends to understand what your consumers’ needs are on any given day.

Plus, your marketing could seem tone-deaf if you don’t pivot accordingly.

All of which is to say: It’s no surprise that 11% of marketing leaders believe pivoting their marketing strategies will continue to be a roadblock for them in 2023 and beyond.

What Can You Do?

Godoy is familiar with the challenge of pivoting your strategy appropriately. Fortunately, he has a solution.

He says, “The pandemic has brought changes in our lives and in our work schedules — and hybrid work opens possibilities to balance work and personal responsibilities at the same time. Before, we were determined to do certain tasks at certain hours … but in the world of today, we all live in the missing middle.”

He adds, “We’re paying too much attention to the upper and lower side of the funnel and ignoring what happens in the middle. The real journey reflects that human decisions do not happen in a linear way. Audiences exposed to brand and performance are 6X more likely to convert. By capturing signals of intent and mapping this data, you’ll get clarity on how the missing middle works for your brand.”

Understanding your prospects’ behavior and intent is a critical component of ensuring you can shift quickly if your marketing efforts aren’t working. This is also where agile marketing comes into play. Agile marketing helps you execute by working in short sprints, which helps marketers quickly shift their focus, adapt to customer needs, and change priorities.

Agile marketing can help your team become more adaptable when global events upend your previous plans and force your team to shift focus. And it can help teams rebound more quickly from potential revenue losses.

Consider, for instance, how Doordash reported an operating loss of $616 million in 2019 — and then grew to $2.89 billion in revenue in 2020. Their agile approach during the pandemic enabled them to respond to their consumers’ needs by delivering COVID test kits and launching the #OpenforDelivery campaign to support restaurants.

Essentially, Doordash pivoted quickly to support their customer needs, and dropped their pre-planned marketing approach to adopt a new, more timely one.

Finally, it’s critical you keep an eye on both marketing trends and global events to ensure you’re pivoting your strategy when necessary.

To ensure you’re up-to-date on the latest trends, you’ll want to monitor your social media channels to respond appropriately to customers. Additionally, consider leveraging social listening tools to keep up with trends happening in the industry.

Most marketers are goaled on two metrics: Traffic and leads.

Which is why it makes sense that 11% of marketing leaders expect that generating traffic and leads will remain their top challenge in 2023.

Even if marketers are doing well with these metrics, they’ll always want to improve them.

6. Generating traffic and leads.

Why It’s a Challenge

Google search features like featured snippets and images have made it increasingly difficult to get traffic to your site at all. In fact, 65% of Google searches now end without a click.

Social media is also becoming saturated with 24/7, around-the-clock content. As the creator economy booms, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for brands to create content that stands out.

Ultimately, marketing leaders are struggling to produce demand for their content. Plus, they’re unsure which platforms will prove best for their business — and how to promote their content effectively.

What Can You Do?

To combat the challenge of creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience, you’ll want to use effective tools to properly track the types of content that performs best with your audiences.

Once you know you’re creating the type of content your audience wants, the focus shifts to promoting it in a way that makes your audience take notice.

More than ever before, people are being flooded with content. Consumers don’t even need to use a search engine to find answers anymore. Instead, articles fill their news feeds or buzz in their pocket via mobile notifications. To keep up, consider exploring alternate distribution methods — like SMS or podcasting — to increase brand awareness.

Additionally, you might test out influencer marketing to generate more traffic and leads. Micro-influencers, for instance, have high rates of engagement and are often seen as experts on certain niche topics — so finding a micro-influencer that aligns well with your brand can help you generate high-quality traffic and leads effectively.

7. Hiring top talent.

Why It’s a Challenge

11% of marketing leaders report hiring top talent as their top anticipated struggle of 2023. And Jamie Gilpin, Chief Marketing Officer at Sprout Social, agrees. She told me that hiring and cultivating top talent is a key focus at Sprout Social as they head into the new year.

Gilpin says, “As a discipline, marketing is ever evolving, which requires candidates with unique, more varied skill sets. Social media in particular is playing a larger and larger role in every brand’s marketing strategy and requires highly skilled professionals with in-depth knowledge of social media’s shifting landscape.”

She adds, “With new platforms, features, and more consumers preferring to interact with brands on social, marketing teams are tasked with hiring and developing talent across their marketing function who understands the total impact social media can have on your organization.”

What Can You Do?

To attract top talent, you’ll want to focus on your employer brand.

As Gilpin puts it, “To attract talent with unique skill sets, our company has worked incredibly hard to build a strong employer brand that clearly communicates our values and culture to current and prospective employees. One way we’ve been able to amplify that message is by leveraging the social influence of our own employees.”

She continues, “By going beyond our own social channels and by helping our employees become brand advocates on social, we’ve seen the visibility and authenticity of our content grow. Whether we’re announcing a new product, sharing a company culture initiative, or promoting a job opening, our employees have become our greatest asset in building the type of brand awareness that will help us continue to grow our team in 2023.”

Strengthening your employer brand is one of the most effective ways to attract top talent, and leveraging your employees’ unique perspectives will help you demonstrate more authenticity in your recruiting materials. In 2023, marketing leaders will also want to consider how they can turn their employees into brand advocates.

Interested in other top challenges, trends, and opportunities being discussed amongst marketing leaders? Take a look at Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader: Data from 300+ Marketing Directors on How to Take Your Team to the Next Level. Along with the data, you’ll hear from experts at Uber, LinkedIn, G2, SEMRush, and more.

The Top Goals of Marketing Leaders in 2023 [New Data + Expert Insights from Uber, Dropbox, and ClickUp]

To effectively lead a marketing team, it’s imperative you know your top goal.

Whether your goal is to increase revenue or improve your customer’s understanding of your products, starting with a clear objective will help you map out a strong strategy for 2023 and beyond.

But it can be difficult to identify the most important goals for your organization — which is why we surveyed 500+ marketing executives to find out the goals that matter most to them.

About half of marketing leaders say they will change their marketing goals in 2023. Here, we’ll take a look at the top five goals those marketing leaders plan to prioritize in the upcoming year. Plus, hear from experts at Uber, Dropbox, and ClickUp on how to achieve them.

Learn from industry leaders on how to take your team to the next level in 2023, plus take a look at data from 300+ marketing directors.

The Top 5 Goals of Marketing Leaders in 2023

1. Increasing revenue and sales.

22% of marketing leaders report ‘increasing revenue and sales’ as their top priority for 2023.

It should come as no surprise that increasing revenue is a top goal for many marketing leaders. At its core, a marketer’s job is to impact a business’ bottom line by attracting the right audiences and driving leads further down the pipeline for sales.

Gaurav Agarwal, Chief Growth Officer at ClickUp, told me increasing revenue and driving sales is a top priority for his team as we enter the new year.

He says, “As a fast-growing company with industry-leading NDR, adding in new revenue sustainably is our top priority. We are hyper-focused on building out different growth and sales capabilities to achieve that goal. As we embark on our 2023 planning, we do so with a renewed focus on efficiency and clear goals around our different self-serve and sales-assisted motions.”

Agarwal continues, “We are also doubling down on organic growth strategies and efforts to better monetize our user base and leads. It is our priority to take a full-funnel approach to build compounding revenue machines.”

To increase revenue, marketing leaders need to identify areas of their customer journey that can be further optimized. Additionally, like Agarwal and ClickUp, marketing leaders will want to focus on lead generation. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to effective lead generation. To improve your lead generation strategy, you might test out new landing page CTAs, try creating stronger offers, or re-focus your efforts on more powerful lead nurturing campaigns.

It’s also important to continually test new platforms — like TikTok, or podcasting — to reach new audiences.

Michelle Keene, Dropbox’s Sr. Director of Global Marketing, Document Workflows, told me that increasing revenue is a top goal of hers for 2023. As she puts it, “In 2023, a year that is expected to be dominated by economic uncertainty, the shift to profitable growth [rather than growth at all costs] will only be accelerated — moving from a nice idea to a requirement.”

To combat this challenge, Keene offers five key principles for marketing leaders to follow: 

1. Move from a revenue-only goal to a revenue and cost-of-acquisition goal.

2. Find technology solutions that enable CAC measurement at the program level.

3. Evolve your marketing attribution models.

4. Deeply understand your target audiences and their needs to deliver the right messages at the right time.

5. Encourage ongoing deployment of hypothesis-driven experiments and optimizations. 

She adds, “As a marketing leader, I am embracing this challenge, making efficient growth a top priority in 2023. While any mindset shift is challenging, the benefits far outweigh the change management costs. It can transform the way senior executives view marketing — not as an expense, but as an investment — which is really empowering and energizing for me.”

2. Improving sales and marketing alignment.

Ensuring your marketing team is strongly aligned with sales is a critical component of hitting and even exceeding revenue goals. In fact, organizations with tightly aligned sales and marketing teams are 6% more likely to exceed revenue goals.

Which is why ​​19% of marketing executives say improving sales alignment is a top goal of theirs for 2023.

To foster better alignment, consider asking your sales and marketing teams to create your buyer personas together. Sales teams have unique insights into prospects since they speak with them on a daily basis. By partnering with sales teams, you’re able to create a more comprehensive picture of your target persona — including specific challenges or pain points you might’ve missed in your marketing research.

You might also consider working with the sales team to get their input on any content gaps in the buyer’s journey. For instance, a sales rep might point out that you don’t have enough e-books or blog posts that speak to a specific challenge many of your customers have.

By working directly with the sales team, you can create a more seamless buyer experience and retain customers by ensuring you’re consistently creating the content they need to succeed.

3. Fostering relationships with your customers and increasing brand loyalty.

Out of the marketing executives who said they’re changing their goals in 2023, 19% report ‘fostering relationships with customers and increasing brand loyalty’ to be their new top priority.

Customer experience matters more than ever because your happiest customers become the strongest marketers for your brand. A satisfied customer will share their positive experiences online and with friends and family. And people are most likely to trust recommendations from people they know.

Plus, according to an RRD survey of 1,000 consumers, 40% of consumers make purchases based on word-of-mouth recommendations.

All of which is to say: How your customers feel about your brand matters greatly for your bottom line — so it’s vital you do everything you can to foster stronger relationships with them.

Jennifer Chou, Dropbox’s Senior Director of Integrated Marketing, believes having a strong understanding of your customers is a vital first step in building brand loyalty.

She told me, “Marketing is about storytelling and helping people envision how your solutions can help them achieve their goals. Having a better understanding of your customers and their needs is critical to creating that intangible connection that builds affinity, consideration, and, ultimately, loyalty.”

She continues, “Customers want to relate to companies in new ways and feel that connection that this company understands what I’m dealing with, and is building products for me. This is truly important for us as we think about 2023. Dropbox has so much more to offer with our newest products and features. We are enabling better workflows around our users’ content. This means we need to know their challenges and goals as well or even better than they do, so they can focus on the work that matters.”

(P.S. Are you already a Dropbox customer? If so, click here for 20% off eligible HubSpot products, or sign up for free.) 

To cultivate a strong relationship between your brand and its community, you’ll also want to make sure your marketing materials convey your brand’s values. People will feel more connected to your business if they believe that your company cares about issues that matter most to them.

As Daniel Godoy, Microsoft’s Global Head of Programmatic Evangelist puts it, “The best way to win trust is by putting upfront the values your brand cares about, and having transparent communication that highlights your purpose commitments. According to Microsoft Advertising Research, 85% of consumers only consider brands they trust. And 72% only support brands that are being authentic in their advertising.”

Additionally, try creating opportunities for your customers to interact with each other. For instance, you might create a Facebook group so your customers can engage with each other, share industry best practices, and get ideas or suggestions to help them work through their business challenges. HubSpot’s Social team created a Facebook group and have since leveraged the group to foster a stronger sense of community among its members.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure you create a strong online customer support experience. Among other best practices, consider investing in a CRM, offering omnichannel support via email, phone, online chat, or social media, and training your customer service reps to use customer interactions as opportunities to build brand loyalty.

4. Advertising your products or services.

19% of marketing executives want to focus on advertising their products and services effectively in 2023.

Advertising isn’t what it used to be. This isn’t the days of Mad Men’s Don Draper and creating quippy billboard slogans — at least, not entirely. Beyond the more classic channels like print, TV, radio, and direct mail, many brands now advertise almost exclusively on digital platforms.

Digital advertising is incredibly effective for reaching large audiences for a relatively low cost compared to more traditional methods, like TV. Many digital advertising platforms offer helpful tools for empowering marketers to create engaging ads and iterate quickly if something isn’t working.

Google’s responsive ads feature, for instance, tests various headlines and descriptions and ultimately displays the combination that performs best with an intended audience.

Social media is another powerful option for advertising in 2023. To create a strong social media advertising strategy, you’ll want to:

Research your buyer personas and audience.
Determine which social platforms you’ll market on most effectively.
Establish your most important metrics and KPIs.
Get to know your competition.
Create unique and engaging content.
Organize a schedule for your posts.

Take a look at this post to learn more about how to create a strong social advertising strategy.

5. Improving customers’ understanding of your products and services.

Finally, 19% of marketing executives hope to improve their customers’ understanding of their products or services in 2023.

This goal resonates with Michelle Lisowski, Director and Head of B2B Marketing for Uber for Business. She told me, “I see an incredible opportunity as a marketing leader to take a brand that consumers already know and love, and communicate it in a new way that is relevant to B2B audiences. Building this kind of strategy requires taking our buyers’ unique needs and wants into consideration. We have to help them see how Uber products and services can enhance everyday work experiences, whether it’s traveling for business or ordering afternoon coffee for delivery right to the office.”

Lisowski continues, “In many ways, our team acts like a B2B startup in a large, consumer-oriented company. We have the benefit of being able to plug into established marketing channel teams and expertise, but still need to build go-to-market motions that will resonate with our enterprise audience. Our main focus in 2023 will be combining data and direct customer feedback to help make our marketing even more effective. Ultimately, we want to generate trust and familiarity through one-to-one engagements that build lasting customer relationships.”

If your business is branching out into new markets, it’s vital you take the time to understand your new consumers so you can effectively show them how your product can solve for them. 

A full one-third of consumers prefer to learn about products by searching the internet, so to improve your customers’ understanding of your products or services, you’ll want to start with a strong SEO strategy. Creating product-relevant content can help your prospects get to know your products on a deeper level and help them succeed after they’ve purchased.

Additionally, a good SEO strategy can help you demonstrate what your product is to people who haven’t heard of your brand before. Let’s say you work for a video editing company. By writing content like “Why Video Marketing Matters” and “5 Ways to Create Higher-Quality Videos”, your audience will begin to understand that your company is in the video industry.

Once readers have found value in your content, they’ll explore your site further. This is where it’s vital to have knowledge-base articles to help interested prospects fully understand all the unique features your product offers.

Social media is another good contender for developing an understanding of your products or services. In fact, if you’re marketing to Gen Z or millennials, it’s imperative you use social media for product education, since social media is Gen Z’s favorite channel for learning about new products, and it’s millennials’ second favorite (right behind search engines).

While those are the top five goals shared by marketing leaders, I’d like to highlight an additional five for consideration. These include:

Driving traffic to your website (17%)
Increasing engagement (17%)
Growing your community/following on social media (17%)
Leveraging your CRM to its fullest potential (16%)
Lead generation (15%)

Ultimately, determining your top goal for the new year will help you lead your team more effectively and stay focused on your north-star metrics as the year progresses. Plus, knowing your goal will help you plan accordingly — including where to allocate budget and resources, who you might need to hire, and areas for improvement in your current strategy.